The TACTICS CRE was built on a solid foundation of work and evidence established through the DISCOVER-TT Centre of Research Excellence and the STREP CaCIndA Strategic Partnership.

The Discovering Indigenous Strategies to improve Cancer Outcomes Via Engagement, Research Translation and Training (DISCOVER-TT) Centre of Research Excellence and a Cancer Council NSW Strategic Partnership (STREP CaCIndA) were established in 2013 to address knowledge gaps around the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer patients and their families.

We have made significant advances in understanding how to improve cancer care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and contributed to key policy and practice change.

A Supportive Care Needs Assessment tool that accommodates the language, customs, and culture-specific needs of
Indigenous people with cancer.


Cervical Screening Data

Population level data on cervical screening rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to inform future interventions.

body of research

100+ presentations of CRE results and published 49 peer-reviewed manuscripts

National Indigenous Cancer Network

Connecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audiences, cancer survivors, service providers, researchers, health professionals, private sector, government, and NGO organisations.

Changing Policy

DISCOVER-TT and STREP CaCIndA changed the conversation about cancer and created significant network opportunities and policy/practice guidelines

A world-first conference focusing on cancer and Indigenous populations, with over 300 delegates from 15 countries.

A pilot with 50 primary health care centres to make bowel screening more accessible for and improve screening rates for First Nations Australians.

A framework to provide high-level guidance and direction to improve cancer outcomes for First Nations Australians.